Kobe Restaurant dessert

Tsukadanojo restaurant – Kobe

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)

In Japan you can experience hospitality like in almost no other country. Despite the language barriers, the service here is always very helpful and extremely friendly. In the Tsukadanojo restaurant we felt very comfortable from the beginning and the food was also very tasty. The dishes are traditional but often also mixed with European influences. They offer a green side salad which is not common in Japan. This mix of East meets West is a very successful business.

Tonkatsu with salad

After paying the bill we got served a small but super cute dessert that demonstrates this concept in a very amusing way.

Germany to Japan dessert

The restaurant is relatively cheap and we can highly recommend it if you don’t want to eat Kobe beef in Kobe.
If you want to find out more about the Tsukadanojo restaurant in Kobe, you can do so on their website: http://www.tsukadanojo.jp/shop/0095/
Here you also get a quick overview of the tasty dishes… We are getting hungry looking at these pictures.

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