Japanese Ramen Strasbourg

Ramen and Noodle Bar – Strasbourg

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

In the heart of Strassbourg only few steps away from the Cathedral Notre-Dame de Strasbourg you can find the Ramen Shop. This cozy ‘Noodle Bar’ restaurant offers a broad selection of Japanese soup dishes.

The special thing about the Ramen soups is that they are all customized. This means that the customer has to compose the ingredients in 3 steps by picking Ramen type, broth and toppings.

The noodle bar has just a limited number of tables. Most seats are located around the open kitchen where you can see the chefs preparing your orders. This seat structure is typical for Japanese restaurants where people usually go to have a quick meal alone or with a very small number of friends.

I ordered the bbq flavored beef Ramen with spicy broth and kimchi topping. It had a perfect spicyness that was not too high to start sweating  . For the price of only 10€ you get a huge bowl of delicious Ramen with the ingredients you can pick by yourself. This place is definitely worth to have a quick lunch when you are in Strassburg and I would give it a 4 out of 5 stars Rating.

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