Dim Sum Icon Restaurant

Dim Sum Icon Restaurant- Hong Kong

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars (3.5 / 5)

Who does not know the old saying which children are learning from their parents: Do not play with food! OK for the Dim Sum Icon restaurant, we make an exception. One of these restaurant franchises you can find in Hong Kong, among others in the entertainment district of Lan Kwai Fong. Different variations of fun food you can order here in Dim Sum style.

Usually filled with sweet, almost too sweet chocolate, they stand out especially with their eyecatching oblique optics. Before you start eating your Dim Sum, you are supposed to play with it by drilling your chopsticks into the nose holes or butts to make the inside come out.

Ass shaped dumplings

The effect of doing so is certainly not everyone’s taste, but this way people with humor will enjoy the candy like food even more. Don’t forget to take some selfies with your food! That’s what most guests do before they start eating.
The restaurant also offers some vegetarian dishes of course.

The service is sometimes a bit slow and the Dim Sum creations are having their price (attention: tea price mandatory. It is not allowed to drink nothing!). But where else can you finally play with food.

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